Monday, March 26, 2007

What more would you like to learn?

Through this computer class, I have learned much more than I expected. I did not know specific functions of Power Point or Word. Also, I was surprised at names of windows. We can use windows by intuition, so I have never thought about these names. Anyways, I could get basic information which people are not really sure about computer. Especially, I was always thinking about the best CPU I could choose since it was really not sure which CPU is the most powerful one. Then, I am really interested in computer now. I want to learn and be a person who is good at computer. I want to learn about making web page more and I want to make my page by myself someday.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Viral Video

You can find thousands of videos at You Tube or another site. Many people can share their videos without pain since it is easy to upload videos now. People tend to tell others when they find good videos, though sometimes good videos which are music or movie are illegal. It is becoming serious problem since people stop buying music videos; on one wants to buy them even they can watch them by free. Music industories blame You Tube. On the other hand, pepole started to share their own videos because they do not need any money. For example, Smosh's videos are my favorite and I tell many of my friends. They made videos and upload often. Their videos are original and so funny. Viral videos are not always but things.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Presents for family.

There are many products which I want to give my parents or friends. I focused on Apple products. For my father, I want to give him Mac Pro. Mac Pro has Dual-Core Intel Xeon and it can have three-tera bite hard disk. My father can trade money more efficiently and optical fiver Internet would be faster than usual. For my mother, I want to give her i mac. i mac is desktop type but its so stylish and compact. She can manage her schedule easily. For my brother, I want to give him i-pod and i-phone. I am sure that he would love them. Finally, I want to give my grand father Mac Book. He can makes command by speaking. This function would really help him. Meanwhile, I wish I had enough money to get highest spec Macintosh.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality is the principle of the freedom on the Internet. It is allowed for everyone to access anywhere from the time Internet appeared until now. If someone limited many things on the Internet, people cannot be treated fairly. What you think and do are rights of human beings. It is the basis of democracy. On the other hand, some problems appeared. Some big companies limit their rival companies. For example, Skype cannot get good lines because they do not have enough money. However, is it Net Neutrality? It is natural that weak company cannot get well in the real life also. I think that is really important that people can get same opportunity to access in the Internet, though I feel it is strange that new companies which are Google, Yahoo, Skype, and so on require limits for large companies. They should compete in real fair way.